Components and parts assembly
Торцевой ключ с регулируемым крутящим моментом для завинчивания титановых оснований на имплантатах |
Torque Ratchet Wrench товарный номер: SIAK1001 |
Adapter Ratchet Wrench товарный номер: SIAK0001 |
Adjusting Adapter Ratchet Wrench товарный номер: SIAK0002 |
Safety Adapter Ratchet Wrench товарный номер: SIAK0003 |
Отвертка для крепления многогранного абатмента Zirkonzahn NON HEX |
Screwdriver ZZ MUA товарный номер: SIAK2001 |
Отвертка для фиксации абатмента Zirkonzahn (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 Zirkonzahn товарный номер: SIAK4001L10 |
Screwdriver L15 Zirkonzahn товарный номер: SIAK4001L15 |
Screwdriver L20 Zirkonzahn товарный номер: SIAK4001L20 |
Screwdriver L35 Zirkonzahn товарный номер: SIAK4001L35 |
The SIAK4001Lxx is a screwdriver for the screw of the ScanAnalog (BSDE0001); it can be used for all Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment Screws (BSEExxxx); LOC-Connector Bar 2.5 (BSAR10433); LOC-Connector MUA (BSAM9231L25); Healing caps (BSAS9201xx); Impression copings (BSAQ923x) and Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment (ZZ MUA) screws. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver cannot be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing White Metal Scanmarker and Impression Coping |
Screwdriver L10 WMSM and Impression Coping товарный номер: SIAK4002L10 |
Screwdriver L15 WMSM and Impression Coping товарный номер: SIAK4002L15 |
Screwdriver L20 WMSM and Impression Coping товарный номер: SIAK4002L20 |
Screwdriver L35 WMSM and Impression Coping товарный номер: SIAK4002L35 |
The SIAK4002Lxx is a screwdriver for fixing and removing White Metal Scanmarkers (WMSM) and impression coping; it can be used for all impression coping screws (BSFExxxx); impression coping HEX/NON HEX (BSAQxx4x, BSAQxx5x, BSAQxx6x, BSAQxx7x); LOC-Connector Bar 3.86 (BSAR10431); for all Dentsply Sirona® Ankylos® abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The Dentsply Sirona® Ankylos® screwdriver can be used. |
Ball-end screwdriver for fixing and removing Zirkonzahn screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver Ball-Head L10 Zirkonzahn товарный номер: SIAK4003L10 |
Screwdriver Ball-Head L15 Zirkonzahn товарный номер: SIAK4003L15 |
Screwdriver Ball-Head L20 Zirkonzahn товарный номер: SIAK4003L20 |
The SIAK4003Lxx can be used for all abutment screws (titanium base K80 Angled Screw Channel - ASC) (BSKExxxx) and for the K80 titanium bases. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver cannot be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing Straumann® screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 Straumann® товарный номер: SIAK4004L10 |
Screwdriver L15 Straumann® товарный номер: SIAK4004L15 |
Screwdriver L20 Straumann® товарный номер: SIAK4004L20 |
Screwdriver L35 Straumann® товарный номер: SIAK4004L35 |
The SIAK4004Lxx can be used for all Straumann® abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing Nobel Biocare® screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 Nobel Biocare® товарный номер: SIAK4005L10 |
Screwdriver L15 Nobel Biocare® товарный номер: SIAK4005L15 |
Screwdriver L20 Nobel Biocare® товарный номер: SIAK4005L20 |
Screwdriver L35 Nobel Biocare® товарный номер: SIAK4005L35 |
The SIAK4005Lxx can be used for all Nobel Biocare® abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing CAMLOG® screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 CAMLOG® товарный номер: SIAK4006L10 |
Screwdriver L15 CAMLOG® товарный номер: SIAK4006L15 |
Screwdriver L20 CAMLOG® товарный номер: SIAK4006L20 |
Screwdriver L35 CAMLOG® товарный номер: SIAK4006L35 |
The SIAK4006Lxx can be used for all CAMLOG® abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing ASTRA TECH screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 ASTRA TECH товарный номер: SIAK4007L10 |
Screwdriver L15 ASTRA TECH товарный номер: SIAK4007L15 |
Screwdriver L20 ASTRA TECH товарный номер: SIAK4007L20 |
Screwdriver L35 ASTRA TECH товарный номер: SIAK4007L35 |
The SIAK4007Lxx can be used for all ASTRA TECH abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing Zimmer Dental® screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 Zimmer Dental® товарный номер: SIAK4008L10 |
Screwdriver L15 Zimmer Dental® товарный номер: SIAK4008L15 |
Screwdriver L20 Zimmer Dental® товарный номер: SIAK4008L20 |
Screwdriver L35 Zimmer Dental® товарный номер: SIAK4008L35 |
The SIAK4008Lxx can be used for all Zimmer Dental® abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing Biomet screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 Biomet 6K товарный номер: SIAK4009L10 |
Screwdriver L15 Biomet 6K товарный номер: SIAK4009L15 |
Screwdriver L20 Biomet 6K товарный номер: SIAK4009L20 |
Screwdriver L35 Biomet 6K товарный номер: SIAK4009L35 |
The SIAK4009Lxx can be used for all Biomet abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing MIS® screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 MIS® товарный номер: SIAK4010L10 |
Screwdriver L15 MIS® товарный номер: SIAK4010L15 |
Screwdriver L20 MIS® товарный номер: SIAK4010L20 |
Screwdriver L35 MIS® товарный номер: SIAK4010L35 |
The SIAK4010Lxx can be used for all MIS® abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing Thommen Medical screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 Thommen Medical товарный номер: SIAK4011L10 |
Screwdriver L15 Thommen Medical товарный номер: SIAK4011L15 |
Screwdriver L20 Thommen Medical товарный номер: SIAK4011L20 |
Screwdriver L35 Thommen Medical товарный номер: SIAK4011L35 |
The SIAK4011Lxx can be used for all Thommen Medical abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver for fixing and removing XiVE® 1.22 mm screws (Use with Adapter Ratchet Wrench SIAK0001) |
Screwdriver L10 XiVE® 1.22 mm товарный номер: SIAK4012L10 |
Screwdriver L15 XiVE® 1.22 mm товарный номер: SIAK4012L15 |
Screwdriver L20 XiVE® 1.22 mm товарный номер: SIAK4012L20 |
Screwdriver L35 XiVE® 1.22 mm товарный номер: SIAK4012L35 |
Note: This screw is also suitable for the Double Screw Metal technique. |
The SIAK4012Lxx can be used for all Dentsply Sirona® XiVE® 1.22 mm abutment screws for titanium bases and zirconia abutments. Note: The implant manufacturer's screwdriver can be used. |
Screwdriver 0.05" short товарный номер: SIAK0301 |
Screwdriver 0.05" long товарный номер: SIAK0303 |
Universal Extractor for easily removing titanium bases from laboratory analogues or implants |
Universal Extractor 1.6 товарный номер: EXAA0101 |
Universal Extractor 2.0 товарный номер: EXAA0111 |
Инструмент для снятия уплотнительных винтов из структуры циркония во рту пациента |
Sealing Screw Extractor товарный номер: EXAA8011 |
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