How to make a dowel without the aid of the model
A complicated dowel makes it impossible to capture deeply positioned areas in the devitalised tooth with an ordinary scan operation or an intraoral scan. The future will provide new possibilities and simplifications for this problem. In the meantime you can help yourself with an “Impression scan” in the Zirkonzahn software.

Create the case in the archive as “reduced inlay”. Adjacent teeth are not necessary, but can nevertheless be created.

Scan the impression by using the „Scan as impression“ mode. With this the impression scan is converted into a model scan.

After scanning, open the design software and create with the aid of four dots the preparation margin.

Determine the insertion direction.

Determine the desired parameters (recommended: standard)

Place the library tooth.

The tooth is adapted to the preparation margin.

Shrink the library tooth.

Now the tooth has to be formed with the freeform tool in the form of an abutment.

The assembled modellation can be nested now.