NovoM6 Teleskoper milling unit Blank Changer

We automate process, accelerate procedures and increase productivity!

The M6 milling unit is equipped with a storage for up to 16 or 80 blanks (upgradeable) as well as a blank changer function for the automatic blank transfer from the storage to the orbit. Moreover, the installed Teleskoper Orbit SelfLock allows the processing of material blanks with a diameter of 95, 98, 106 and 125 mm. Using special holders, it is also possible to mill glass ceramic and Raw-Abutment® blanks as well as mini zirconia blanks (size 1).  


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NovoZirkonofen 600/V4 sintering furnace

Proven and new technologies combined with optimised operability

When developing our new Zirkonofen 600/V4 sintering furnace, we focused on proven technologies, energy-efficient sintering processes and an intuitive software. The new automated furnace door ensures optimised cooling of the sintering chamber. Combined with the increased maximum heating rates of up to 60 °C/min., thin structures can be sintered even faster in the Zirkonofen 600/V4. The furnace is equipped with a 7'' touchscreen for intuitive operation.


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NovoScanner intraoral Detection Eye

Scanner intraoral perfeitamente integrado no sistema de gestão de dados da Zirkonzahn

O nosso scanner intraoral distingue-se pela sua alta velocidade de digitalização, precisão na aquisição de impressões e baixo peso. O scanner é fácil de usar e a opção de duas pontas diferentes permite um procedimento mais confortável e adaptado ao paciente.


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Mini-Arti ZS1

The mini articulator for crowns and small bridges

The mini articulator is ideal for checking the occlusion of single crowns and small bridges, permitting the simulation of opening, closing, protrusion, retrusion and laterotrusive movements. Functional and easy to use, it has been specially designed for use with prototype models (milled or printed) and it is also a valuable instrument for professional communication between dentist and dental technician. 


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Veneering composites for the individual characterisation of gingival areas 

With our Gingiva-Composites, it is possible to layer the gingival area of resin temporaries or final restorations. The colour spectrum is based on the ICE Ceramics Tissue shades, reproducing a totally individual and natural-looking gingiva.


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NovoFresco Ceramics

The new art of layering zirconia

With the new ceramic pastes Fresco Gingiva and Fresco Enamel, monolithic and slightly reduced zirconia structures can be quickly and easily veneered in the gingival and vestibular regions.


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NovoMulti Blank Holder


7 crowns - 7 colours - 7 patients

With the new Multi Blank Holder 4x1 and 7x1 Teleskoper, up to seven single crowns can be produced in different colours. In this way, it is possible to produce crowns for 7 different patients all at once. Thanks to the smaller blank shape, it is no longer necessary to keep a large inventory of hardly used colours.


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NovoZirkonofen Turbo

Speed beyond any expectation

Com o Zirkonofen Turbo é agora possível sinterizar pontes de 4 unidades em aprox. 75 minutos. Isto permite poupar 84 % do tempo e reduzir o consumo de electricidade em 81 %. Isto significa que as restaurações de zirconia podem ser fresadas, sinteriza-das e glazeadas em 1 hora e 55 minutos.


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