Prettau® Zirconia

What is the use of Prettau® Zirconia?
- Prettau® Zirconia is highly translucent and it is used for manufacturing esthetic full Zirconia works in connection with a specially developed colouring technology, in particular within the field of implants, and is also to prevent ceramic chipping.
Is Prettau® Zirconia too hard and abrasive?
In dentistry abrasion (Latin: abrasio = to scratch off) means the loss of tooth substance due to friction. Enamel and dentin are part of the so-called ‘hard’ tooth structure. Abrasion in this context translates into wear or attrition.
As we know from nature, elephants starve to death at the age of 50 - 60 years because their dentition at that stage is too abraded to
process food.
Sintered Prettau® Zirconia, owing to its own special material composition, displays incredible density and smoothness. Therefore the material does not cause any wear on natural dentition.
I illustrate this phenomenon by practical example: Rub wood against a smooth glass pane and nothing will happen but, rub wood against wood and it will splinter. As two materials of the same kind meet (tooth against tooth) natural dentition will inevitably wear also. However, when natural tooth meets smooth zirconia (like wood against glass) no abrasion occurs. The abrasive nature of any material is determined by its degree of surface polish and inherent density. The ”softer” enamel will glide over polished, much harder zirconia without wear.
By contrast veneer porcelain (or even metal) will cause wear on natural dentition due to its highly porous structure which acts like sandpaper. Veneer porcelain is 1000 times more abrasive compared to polished Prettau® Zirconia.
Our experiences with zirconia vindicate our view: Zirconia causes practically no abrasion to natural dentition.
In the past we have observed the facts in our own environment and currently they are being tested scientifically in several universities. In general terms we can say this: The harder and smoother a material the less the wear it causes under friction. Wear results in abrasion.