CAD/CAM Systemes, Face Hunter, Titanium spectral-colouring Anodizer, Zirkograph, Sintering Furnaces, lamp, Extraction
Zirkonzahn Shade Guides
High-quality monolithic Prettau® Dispersive® zirconia shade guides for a material-identical determination of the tooth colour for upper and lower anteriors, posteriors and minimal cutback for the creation of unique shade guides
Colour Liquid
The Colour Liquid is used to colour the ready milled and finished zirconia structures.
ICE Zirkon Ceramics
ICE Ceramic is a glass type ceramic which is fired at 820°C, has a flexural strength of approximately 90 MPa, and a thermal expansion coefficient (C.E.T) value of 9,6.
ICE Zirkon Stains
The zirconium surface stains kit consists of 10 different stains, which can be applied on the surface of the crown or mixed into the ceramic.
Milling Burs, Grinders, Styli
Bulk reduction, rough milling, refining, milling of undercuts and fissures….We have got a big range of milling burs and there is one for every work step. An overview of our milling burs with practical hints and tips can be found here!
Marketing package – Our ideas for you
Do you have enough work? Good. If not, we have some good ideas for you.