Title: | Anti-snoring devices – The digital workflow with the 3D digital patient |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | September 2023 |
NEWAnti-snoring devices

Title: | |
Date of publication: | September 2021 |
Celková rekonstrukce s využitím nového zirkonu Prettau 3 Dispersive
Title: |
Celková rekonstrukce s využitím nového zirkonu Prettau 3 Dispersive Náhrady byly kotveny pomocí anodizovaných titanových třmenů a byly navrženy 100% digitálně |
Magazine: | Implants |
Date of publication: | September 2021 |
Řešení angulovaných kanálů pro šroubky u abutmentů Zirkonzahn
Title: | Problémy s disparalelitou zavedených implantátů: Řešení angulovaných kanálů pro šroubky u abutmentů Zirkonzahn |
Magazine: | StomaTeam |
Date of publication: | September 2021 |
Celkové náhrady kompletně zhotovené metodou CAD/CAM
Title: |
Celkové náhrady kompletně zhotovené metodou CAD/CAM Totální protetika digitálně a precizně! |
Magazine: | Digital |
Date of publication: | May 2021 |
Komplett CAD/CAM-gestützt gefertigte OK- und UK-Totalprothesen
Title: | Totalprothetik digital, aber präzise! |
Magazine: | Dental Dialogue |
Date of publication: | November 2020 |
Planesystem® hampaattomissa tapauksissa
Title: | Yläleuan titaanirunkoinen Prettau® silta toteutettuna Zirkonzahnin työtavalla |
Magazine: | Hammasteknikko |
Date of publication: | September 2020 |
Nature, our paragon for technology
Title: | Zirkonzahn.Modifier: the new software for natural-looking, aesthetic restorations |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | March 2020 |
Title: |
Magazine: | Dentorama |
Date of publication: | September 2019 |
The PlaneSystem® approach for edentulous cases
Title: | Maxillary Prettau® Bridge on titanium bases made with Zirkonzahn's workflow |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | September 2019 |
Excellence is black!
Title: | Complete, Complex Rehabilitations |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | March 2019 |
3D-Facial Scanning
Title: | Digital Prosthodontics and facial scanning – perfect tools for dental technology |
Magazine: | Dental Dialogue |
Date of publication: | December 2018 |
The digital workflow
Title: | Implant-supported complete rehabilitation made with the new Prettau® 2 zirconia |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | December 2018 |
Climbing the mountain of dental technology
Title: | The art in the detail |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | September 2018 |
The cutting-edge laboratory
Title: | Full denture made 100% with Zirkonzahn's digital workflow |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | June 2018 |
Maxillary Prettau® bridge and mandibular elements in Prettau® Anterior®
Title: | Maxillary Prettau® bridge and mandibular elements in Prettau® Anterior® |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | March 2018 |
The pre-restorative prototype, for smile dynamics
Title: | The pre-restorative prototype, for smile dynamics |
Magazine: | Dental Technologies Magazine |
Date of publication: | February 2018 |
Dental Implants
Title: | From planning with the dental team to a high aesthetic result |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | December 2017 |
Designmuligheter for komplekse rehabiliteringer ved hjelp av CAD/CAM
Title: | Designmuligheter for komplekse rehabiliteringer ved hjelp av CAD/CAM |
Magazine: | Tenner i Fokus |
Date of publication: | October 2017 |
On the path to mastership it all starts from trust
Title: | On the path to mastership it all starts from trust |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | September 2017 |
Zahnimplantate – Von der Planung im Team zum ästhetischen Gesamterfolg
Title: | Zahnimplantate – Von der Planung im Team zum ästhetischen Gesamterfolg |
Magazine: | Digital Dentistry |
Date of publication: | June 2017 |
Zirkonzahn’s Workflow
Title: | Analogue - Digital - Analogue-switching |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | June 2017 |
La escuela Zirkonzahn
Title: | Precisión a través del CAD/CAM y perfección artesanal |
Magazine: | Labor Dental Técnica |
Date of publication: | May 2017 |
Climb the Mountain
Title: |
Zirkonzahn international Ranger School 3 Months of your life or a life in 3 Months? |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | March 2017 |
Art in Dent : Complete maxillary and mandibular rehabilitation using Prettau® Zirconia
Title: | Complete maxillary and mandibular rehabilitation using Prettau® Zirconia |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | September 2016 |
Komplett maksillær og mandibulær rehabilitering ved bruk av Prettau® Zirconia
Title: | Komplett maksillær og mandibulær rehabilitering ved bruk av Prettau® Zirconia |
Magazine: | Tenner i Fokus |
Date of publication: | August 2016 |
Udo Plaster: Surveying patient’s jaw
Title: | Specific static and dynamic values |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | June 2016 |
Manfred Pörnbacher: 100% Prettau® Bridge
Title: | CAD/CAM Prettau® Bridges for an edentulous patient |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | April 2015 |
Michele Frapporti: 100% Prettau® Bridge
Title: | Occlusally screw-retained maxillary full-arch rehabilitation using titanium bases on implants |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | September 2014 |
Evi-Maria Tauber: 100% Prettau® Bridge
Title: | Occlusally screw-retained maxillary Prettau® restoration on gold-coloured anodized titanium bases |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | June 2014 |
Wilfried Tratter: Presentazione della libreria dentale virtuale Heroes Collection
Title: | Wilfried Tratter: Presentazione della libreria dentale virtuale Heroes Collection |
Magazine: | Quintessenza Odontotecnica |
Date of publication: | April 2014 |
How to Fabricate Occlusally Screw-Retained Prettau® Bridges Using the Hybrid Technique
Title: | Step-by-step technique for rehabilitating an edentulous patient with implants and fixed Zirconia Prettau® Bridges |
Magazine: | LMT |
Date of publication: | January 2014 |
Jürgen Feierabend: 100% Prettau® Bridge
Title: | Occlusally Screw-Retained Maxillary and Mandibular Rehabilitation on Titanium Bases |
Magazine: | Labline |
Date of publication: | January 2014 |
Zirkonzahn speciale CAD/CAM
Title: | Sistemi CAD/CAM “fatti a mano” in Alto Adige “fatti in casa” |
Magazine: | Quintessenza Odontotecnica |
Date of publication: | September 2013 |
Manfred Pörnbacher: Virtuelle Welten
Title: | Möglichkeiten eines modernen CAD/CAM Systems an einem konkreten Fallbeispiel – Teil 1 |
Magazine: | Dental Dialogue |
Date of publication: | June 2013 |
Manfred Pörnbacher: Virtuelle Welten
Title: | Möglichkeiten eines modernen CAD/CAM Systems an einem konkreten Fallbeispiel – Teil 2 |
Magazine: | Dental Dialogue |
Date of publication: | June 2013 |
Réhabilitation totale sur piliers implantaires
Title: | Réhabilitation totale Zircone Prettau® sur piliers implantaires télescopes avec le système CAD/CAM 5-TEC |
Magazine: | CAD/CAM Le magazine international de la dentisterie numérique |
Date of publication: | June 2013 |
Jean-Pierre Le Vot: Réhabilitation totale Zircone Prettau® sur piliers implantaires télescopes
Title: | Réhabilitation totale Zircone Prettau® sur piliers implantaires télescopes avec le système CAD/CAM 5-TEC Zirkonzahn |
Magazine: | CAD/CAM Le magazine international de la dentisterie numérique |
Date of publication: | February 2013 |
Nico Bühler: Zirconiumdioxid in der abnehmbaren Prothetik (DE)
Title: | Zirconiumdioxid in der abnehmbaren Prothetik |
Magazine: | SSO |
Date of publication: | August 2011 |
Fernando Rojas: Rehabilitación de la arcada superior e inferior (ES)
Title: | Rehabilitación de la arcada superior e inferior con implantes usando prótesis fija atornillada 100% zirconia |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | March 2011 |
Norbert Wichnalek: Vollzirkon ohne Kompromisse
Title: |
Norbert Wichnalek: Vollzirkon ohne Kompromisse Prettau® Zirkon |
Magazine: | Umwelt-ZahnTechnik |
Date of publication: | 2011 |
Jörg Iowa: 100% Prettau® Bridge with Zirconia Screw Thread by the Screw-Tec-System
Title: | The best is what one believes in! |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | October 2010 |
Das Beste ist das, woran man glaubt (DE)
Title: | Indizes: Implantatprothetik, Sekundärkonstruktion, Prettau Zirkon, Screw-Tec-System, okklusale Verschraubung |
Magazine: | Zahntechnik Magazin |
Date of publication: | October 2010 |
Norbert Wichnalek: Das Highfield-Konzept®
Title: |
Norbert Wichnalek: Das Highfield-Konzept® Sicherheit ohne Kompromisse – Implantatrestaurationen |
Magazine: | GZM |
Date of publication: | 2010 |
Antonio Lazetera: ICE Zirkon
Title: | Saga Zirkonia – Zirconia news from the experts |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | April 2009 |
Luca Nelli: Maria can laugh again
Title: | Saga Zirkonia – Zirconia news from the experts |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | April 2009 |
Eladio Gonzalez: 100% Zirconia (DE)
Title: | Saga Zirkonia – Geschichten aus der Welt von Zirkonzahn |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | April 2009 |
Alexander Kanotscher: Case-Report (DE)
Title: | OK-Prettau® Bridge auf 4 Locatoren – UK-Prettau® Bridge auf 4 Hybridteleskopen |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | March 2009 |
Aldo Zilio: Mamma Luca
Title: | Saga Zirkonia – Zirconia update from Zirkonzahn |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | June 2008 |
Alexander Kanotscher: Zirconia milling or Glass-pressed All-ceramic?
Title: | Zirconia milling or Glass-pressed All-ceramic? |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |
Date of publication: | May 2008 |
From dream to reality
Title: | For a long time we technicians had been longing for metal restoration coming out of the sinter furnace perfectly fitting the model. |
Magazine: | Spectrum Dialogue - The voice of techno-clinical dentistry |
Date of publication: | January 2007 |
Aldo Zilio: Stege (DE)
Title: | Saga Zirkonia – Geschichten aus der Welt von Zirkonzahn |
Magazine: | Zirkonzahn Worldwide |