Straumann® Bone Level® 


Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX for bridges


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAD0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAD0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAD0532

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX GOLD


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSCD0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCD0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCD0532

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX for bridges L10

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAD0531L10
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAD0532L10

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX GOLD L10

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCD0531L10
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCD0532L10

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX for bridges L20

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAD0531L20
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAD0532L20

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX GOLD L20

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCD0531L20
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCD0532L20

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX for bridges L30

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAD0531L30
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAD0532L30

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX GOLD L30

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCD0531L30
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCD0532L30

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX K85 for bridges


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAD0533K85
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAD0531K85
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAD0532K85

Set CONICAL cemented titanium base NON HEX K80 Angled Screw Channel (ASC) for bridges


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAT0533K80
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAT0531K80
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAT0532K80

Set Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment L15 (Prosthetics Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAH0533L15
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAH0531L15
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAH0532L15

Set Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment L25 (Prosthetics Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAH0533L25
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAH0531L25
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAH0532L25

Set Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment L35 (Prosthetics Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAH0533L35
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAH0531L35
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAH0532L35

Set Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment L45 (Prosthetics Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAH0533L45
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAH0531L45
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAH0532L45

Set Narrow Titan Base Non Hex for bridges


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAP0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAP0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAP0532

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX for single crowns


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAB0583
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAB0591
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAB0592

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX GOLD


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSCB0583
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCB0592

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX for single crowns L20

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAB0591L20
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAB0592L20

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX GOLD L20

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCB0591L20
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCB0592L20

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX for single crowns L30

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAB0591L30
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAB0592L30

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX GOLD L30

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCB0591L30
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCB0592L30

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX for single crowns L40

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAB0591L40
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAB0592L40

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX GOLD L40

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCB0591L40
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCB0592L40

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX K85 for single crowns

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAB0581K85
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAB0582K85

Set PARALLEL cemented titanium base HEX K80 Angled Screw Channel (ASC) for single crowns


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Type 1
Item number: BSAT0583K80
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Type 1
Item number: BSAT0581K80
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Type 1
Item number: BSAT0582K80

Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Type 2
Item number: BSAT0593K80
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Type 2
Item number: BSAT0591K80
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Type 2
Item number: BSAT0592K80

Set Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment Angled (17°) (Prosthetics Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Type 1
Item number: BSAI0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Type 1
Item number: BSAI0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Type 1
Item number: BSAI0532

Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Type 2
Item number: BSAI0543
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Type 2
Item number: BSAI0541
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Type 2
Item number: BSAI0542

Set Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment Angled (17°) L10 (Prosthetics Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Type 1
Item number: BSAI0533L10
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Type 1
Item number: BSAI0531L10
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Type 1
Item number: BSAI0532L10

Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Type 2
Item number: BSAI0543L10
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Type 2
Item number: BSAI0541L10
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Type 2
Item number: BSAI0542L10

Set Narrow Titan Base Hex for single crowns


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAP0583
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAP0581
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAP0582

Raw-Abutment® HEX


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAF0583
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAF0581
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAF0582

Raw-Abutment® HEX D14

Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAF0581D14
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAF0582D14

Set Scanmarker


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: ZBAD0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: ZBAD0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: ZBAD0532

Set White Metal Scanmarker L10


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: ZBED0533L10
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: ZBED0531L10
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: ZBED0532L10

Set White Metal Scanmarker L12


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: ZBED0533L12
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: ZBED0531L12
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: ZBED0532L12

Set White Metal Scanmarker L15


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: ZBED0533L15
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: ZBED0531L15
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: ZBED0532L15

Abutment screw (for titanium base)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAE0503
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAE0501
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAE0502

Abutment screw (for titanium base) GOLD


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSCE0503
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCE0501
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCE0502

Abutment screw for extraoral use (for titanium base)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSHE0503
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSHE0501
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSHE0502

Abutment screw for intraoral use (for titanium base)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSIE0503
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSIE0501
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSIE0502

Abutment screw (for zirconia abutments)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSAE0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSAE0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSAE0532

Abutment screw (for zirconia abutments) GOLD


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSCE0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSCE0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSCE0532

Abutment screw for extraoral use (for zirconia abutments)

Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSHE0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSHE0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSHE0532

Abutment screw for intraoral use (for zirconia abutments)


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSIE0533
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSIE0531
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSIE0532

Abutment screw (for titanium base K80 Angled Screw Channel (ASC))


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSKE0503
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSKE0501
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSKE0502

Implant Screw for Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment Angled


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: BSEE0503
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: BSEE0501
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: BSEE0502

Model implant


Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: MIAG0503
Platform: NC Ø 3.3
Item number: MIAG0501
Platform: RC Ø 4.1
Item number: MIAG0502



Platform: SC Ø 2.9
Item number: ZBDE0533
Diameter: Ø NC Ø 3.3
Item number: ZBDE0531
Diameter: Ø RC Ø 4.1
Item number: ZBDE0532

Please note that the photographs used may differ from the original
Listed products may not be available in all countries!