Laboratory analogues 

The analogues replicate the precise connection to the implant which enables checking of the fitting accuracy of the Raw-Abutments® and titanium bases directly on the model.


Healing Caps 

Healing caps are used during the healing phase to seal the Zirkonzahn Multi Unit Abutment and to define the emergence profile.



The ScanAnalogs unite the function of a laboratory analogue with the one of a scanmarker.



Thanks to the extremely precise geometry of the Scanmarkers and with the aid of the Zirkonzahn scanners, it is possible to transfer the exact position and orientation of the implants from the model into the software.


White Scanmarker 

Biały scanmarker do ustalania pozycji i ustawiania implantu na modelu lub w ustach pacjenta.


White Metal Scanmarker 

White Metal Scanmarkers are used to detect the position and alignment of the implant during intraoral and model scanning.


Impression Coping 

The stable impression copings are used together with the laboratory analogues for the exact transfer of the implant position in the jaw onto the plaster model or combined with ScanAnalogs in the software.


Titanium bases and accessories 

Titanium bases and accessories for individually manufactured zirconia abutments



Prefabrykowane bloczki z biokompatybilnego tytanu TITAN 5 do produkcji indywidualnych podpór.


MUA – Multi Unit Abutment 

Adapter for different implant systems for screwing down multi-unit restorations


Zirkonzahn LOC-Connector 

Zirkonzahn LOC-Connector to zatrzaskowy system mocowania implantów i belek, który służy do łączenia kompletnych protez nakładkowych z implantami dentystycznymi.


NOWOSCBurnout Cap 

The Burnout Caps are burnout resin sleeves for modelling reconstructions with an incorporated screw channel.


Titanium Base Extractor 

Narzędzie do łatwego usuwania baz tytanowych z analogów laboratoryjnych lub implantów


Universal Extractor 

The Universal Extractor is used to remove directly screwed secondary structures (e.g. made of metal or resin) as well as titanium bases without internal threads from implants with flat-angle connection geometries.


NOWOSCUniversal Screwdriver Set 

Screwdriver and tool set to fix and loosen abutments and abutment screws with the Torque Ratchet Wrench, the Adapter Ratchet Wrench, the Screwdriver Zirkonzahn MUA, the Screwdriver Handpiece and the tool holder Instrument Case Universal Screwdriver Set for up to 25 screwdrivers or extractors with right angle shank from Zirkonzahn (available for different systems and in different lengths).


NOWOSCSet Screwdriver Lab & Screwdriver Holder MagPrism 

The Screwdriver Lab is suitable to fix and loosen various screws on the model and can be stored safely and neatly in the Screwdriver Holder MagPrism. 


NOWOSCScrew Jack - The practical screw holder  

For an easy removal of the screws from the screwdriver and their well-organised storage for each restoration.


Sealing Screw Extractor 

Extraktor do śrub uszczelniających jest przeznaczony do odkręcania śrub uszczelniających ze struktur cyrkonowych bez uszkodzenia gwintowanego kanału śruby.


NOWOSCWhite Metal Scanmarker Box 

Box for a safe and tidy storage of Zirkonzahn White Metal Scanmarkers


Double Screw Metal Technique 

Production of full-arch prosthetics on divergent implants
